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Debate Mate's Guide to Communication Styles!

Communicating effectively is not only about WHAT you say, but HOW you say it! Whilst there are lots of ways to make your speaking more engaging, there is no one effective communication style. Instead, everyone should be encouraged to develop their own! Read on for some inspiration...

We have collated 5 different communication styles inspired by 5 iconic public speakers. Each one of them is a highly effective communicator in their own unique way - speaker style is all about playing to your own strengths! 

1) The Professor- David Attenborough

Watch this clip and consider the communication style and stylistic techniques used by David Attenborough!

Here, world-famous naturalist, wildlife broadcaster and environmental activist David Attenborough addresses world leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit. In his plea for action on climate change, he utilises his unique communication style to engage his audience. Here's some of the ways he does this:

  • Inclusive, yet directive, language e.g. 'We need...people like you'
  • Calm and assured tone of voice
  • Draws upon extensive experience to convince his audience
  • Issuing clear direction e.g. 'It is now!'

In doing so, David Attenborough is drawing on his own, very particular communication style. He is 'the professor'; he comes across as knowledgable, wise, authoritative and trustworthy.

2) The Politician- Michelle Obama

Watch this clip and consider the communication style and stylistic techniques used by Michelle Obama!

Here, lawyer, writer and former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama delivers a speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
Here's some of the stylistic techniques she uses to connect with her audience:

  • Provides assurance and comfort to the audience - notice their reactions!
  • Inclusive language, using the words “we” & “us.”
  • Hand gestures used to punctuate important phrases. 
  • Direct language, giving clear asks.

Whilst very different in style to David Attenborough, Michelle Obama is no less engaging! Instead of 'the professor', she is 'the politician'. Her communication style means she comes across as a relatable, inspiring and empathetic leader.

3) The Firebrand- Greta Thunberg

Watch this clip and consider the communication style and stylistic techniques used by Greta Thunberg!

Here, environmental activist and figurehead of 'school strike for climate' movement Greta Thunberg addresses world leaders at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit. She uses the following stylistic techniques:

  • Uses binaries & contrasts to illustrate global inequalities and imbalance:
    • “Mass extinction vs eternal economic growth” 
    • “My generation vs your generation” 
  • Incredibly passionate & emotive.
  • Repetition of the phrase “How dare you?” 

Greta Thunberg's communication style is very distinct from that of David Attenborough and Michelle Obama. She is 'the firebrand', meaning someone who is very passionate about a particular cause. Rather than authoritative or empathetic, she is inspiring, passionate and emotive.

4) The Peacemaker- Nelson Mandela

Watch this clip and consider the communication style and stylistic techniques used by Nelson Mandela!

Here, political activist and former President of South Africa, the country's first black head of state, Nelson Mandela delivers one of his iconic speeches. His communication style is 'the peacemaker', here's why:

  • Doesn’t scold or “tell off” the audience, but praises their achievements so far to inspire further action.
  • Their is a clear call to action: “The time is now”
  • Uses collective language to promote collaboration leaving the audience feeling inspired & proud. 

Whilst Greta Thunberg uses outrage and passion to rally her audience, Nelson Mandela has the same effect through promoting unity, collaboration and peace. His communication style, whilst very different, proves just as engaging and powerful. 

5) The Entertainer- Rick Rigsby

Watch this clip and consider the communication style and stylistic techniques used by Rick Rigsby!

Here, best-selling author and motivational speaker Rick Rigsby delivers a powerful speech about the life of his father. This is how he engages with his audience:

  • Clear use of humour to keep the audience entertained and engaged.
  • He uses relatable and informal language such as “If momma ain’t happy” to make his speech seem personal and familiar.
  • He pauses after every example, to allow for laughter but also to let his point land and give his audience time to process it!

It's hard not to get goosebumps whilst watching Rick Rigsby speak, yet his communication style is in fact quite unconventional. He is 'the entertainer'- he is funny, engaging, inspiring and relatable to his audience. 

So, what's my communication style?

If these 5 examples teach us anything, it's that there is no right way to communicate. Effective communication comes down to developing your own unique style based on your own personal strengths. Whether you're eloquent and knowledgable like David Attenborough, passionate like Greta Thunberg or entertaining like Rick Rigsby, embrace your strengths and develop your own communication style. This will come with lots of practice!

It doesn't hurt to use incredible speakers like these as inspiration though!