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Meet Seun, Debate Mate Virtual's Executive Director!

Everyone at Debate Mate agrees that we couldn't properly wish DMO a happy 2nd birthday without acknowledging the incredible contribution Seun has made to its success so far! Read on to hear all about her involvement with DMO!

1) Tell us about your time working with Debate Mate and your current role with DMO?

I've been working with Debate Mate for 10 years! I joined the team when I left university and started as a Programme Director overseeing the Primary School programme in London on the charity side, Debate Mate Schools. I'm now the Executive Director, overseeing Debate Mate Online and the incredible team! My main focus is on the strategy and development of our Virtual Clubs and ensuring we're able to reach as many children from around the world as possible!

2) What would you say has been DMO’s biggest achievement so far?

I would say it was starting up our Virtual Clubs back in 2020. Scarlett (the CEO) and I wanted to create a way for young people to still remain connected when lots of countries around the world took the difficult decision to close down schools. Since then it's been a huge achievement that we have been able to continue to connect young people together from around the world and create diverse learning spaces. It's truly been incredible!

3) If you had to pick just one, what has been your highlight of working for DMO so far?

It's definitely back in May 2020. I dropped into a virtual club to observe a session. At the end of the session, one student wrote in all caps in the chat "THANK YOU, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THIS IS BETTER THAN SCHOOL" Which made me laugh! That was really cool to hear!

4) What would you love to see from DMO in the future?

I want to see more students from more countries get involved and I'm so excited to see us expand our programmes!