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Recognising Critical Thinking In Your Child

Our courses aim to give students the chance to learn new things and explore their natural curiosity to learn and build their confidence 💭

Critical thinking is a vital tool in debating, and essentially gives students the opportunity to understand the world around them and ask questions. 

Unfortunately, critical thinking isn't something that is always taught in the classroom and can't be measured by traditional assessment methods like written exams, but it's something that can be easily recognised and built upon. 

Here are some examples of how you can recognise these skills in your child:
- Do they always ask 'why'?
- Are they comfortable questioning rules or authority?
- Does coming to a conclusion take a little longer as they weigh up all possible sides of a situation?

Nurturing critical thinking is very easy - allow your child to disagree with you, but encourage them to explain why they think that. Let them explain opinions but keep asking 'why' until they can justify their decision. Challenge them to think of the different sides of situations and ask them what someone else might believe. This will help develop their empathy, compassion, and wider understanding of the world.

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