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Skills Series: LEADERSHIP🎤

Read on to learn exactly why this skill is so valuable in our 21st Century world and crucially, how Debate Mate can help develop it in YOUR child!

According to LinkedIn, leadership skills are defined as...

"the skills you use when organising other people to reach a shared goal."

For your child to fulfil their true potential, leadership skills are unsurprisingly essential!

Leadership allows you to...

  • Manage a team 💬 - To be a good leader is to be a good people manager! Strong leadership requires you to manage a team of differing skillsets, personalities and priorities in order to achieve the best outcome.
  • Communicate effectively 🗣 - When you're in charge of a team, it's your responsibility to make sure they all understand their task and are working towards the same shared goal. The key to this is clear communication.
  • Develop your flexibility, organisation and time management skills ⏰ - As a leader, it's your job to delegate tasks fairly and effectively and to keep your team on track to meet deadlines. 
  • Develop empathy ❤️- Good leaders are likeable, approachable and able to empathise with those in their team.
  • Reach the top rungs of success 📈- The bottom line is that leadership skills are essential for those who aspire to almost any senior role in any career!

This means that 'leadership' encompasses a huge range of competencies from communication and delegation to decisiveness and dependability! Ultimately, to be a good leader is to be a master of these valuable soft skills!

Fortunately for our Debate Mate students, being a successful debater also means being an effective leader!

Here's how our courses develop these crucial leadership skills...

Preparation Time:

  • Before any Debate Mate debate, students are split into teams and given 15 minutes to prepare in breakout rooms. During this time, they are expected to work as a team to develop a coherent strategy to win the debate. 
  • This involves brainstorming points, delegating research, prioritising arguments and allocating speaker roles. 
  • To do this effectively, mentors encourage students to take it in turns to lead their preparation time. 
  • This gives all of our students a valuable opportunity to practice what is a hugely daunting skill at first- leadership!

Stakeholder Analysis:

  • An argument generation technique that we encourage all students to use when confronted with a new debating motion, is stakeholder analysis. 
  • This technique involves students brainstorming all of the people or groups who have an interest in the outcome of a debate before analysing and prioritising their relevance to their team line.
  • They can then use this analysis to support an argument they're making.
  • Stakeholder analysis requires students to manage competing priorities and evaluate the importance of lots of competing claims in order to find the best result. This is a key aspect of leadership!

Ultimately, leadership is an extremely important debating skill that has huge application to your child's future, allowing for academic, social and career success!

🚀 At Debate Mate, we believe that leadership is a hugely valuable skill instrumental in helping your child realise their full potential. Invest in their future NOW by signing them up to our courses- check them out here!

🚨 Want to try before you buy? Click here to sign your child up for a FREE taster session running in the new year.