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WEF Skills - Critical Thinking, Analysis and Innovation

The WEF found that the top skills that employers will be looking for in the next 5 years are critical thinking, analysis and innovation. So what do these mean? 💭

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently produced a report entitled "The Future of Jobs Report", which maps the jobs and skills of the future, incorporating pandemic-related disruptions and a long history of economic cycles. The report listed 10 skills that are required to adapt to the changing job market in the next 5 years. Here at Debate Mate, using the techniques demonstrated in debating, we give young people the ability to learn and build on these key skills.

What does this actually mean?

Critical thinking and analysis refer to the ability to collect and analyse information, problem-solve, and make decisions. Innovation involves the ability to generate novel ideas and applying them in real life. Both of these skills are at the core of our Debate Mate programme – when discussing topics, students have to process a lot of information in order to make a decision on the most important topics that they should include in their speech.

With topics ranging from climate change and vegetarianism to social media and voting policies, students develop the skills necessary to gather and analyse information and make decisions about what they value to be the most pressing issues. It involves creativity to generate ideas and express them in the most convincing way possible. 

The ability to critically analyse information is vital in the modern age – we are constantly inundated with data online and the ability to sieve through to recognise what is important is a crucial skill. This is particularly pertinent in this age of ‘fake news’; we must equip young people with the ability to analyse and assess information and make decisions about what they value. Now, more so than ever, we are witnessing the urgency of new, innovative ideas to respond to global crises, and we believe that equipping young people with creative thinking skills places them in good stead to respond to the challenges of the future

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